Florida Gov. Scott commends teamwork that resulted in Embraer contract $355 million aircraft manufacturing deal set to boost Jacksonville economy

On the heels of a $355 million aircraft manufacturing contract awarded by the U.S. Air Force to Jacksonville-based Embraer and partner companies, Governor Rick Scott commended the team effort by Lt. Gov. Jennifer Carroll, Senator Bill Nelson, Jacksonville Mayor Alvin Brown and other Florida officials, including members of the Florida Congressional Delegation, who all played key roles in landing the contract for Florida.

“All Else is Rubbish”

By Ed Timperlake May 16, 2011 There is a saying that can be recognized by all USAF, USN and USMC combat aviators that after engaging in a practice Air Combat Maneuvering (ACM) engagement — whomever ever first gets to the briefing board wins. In other words, who ever first frames the debrief makes sure it favors…