Tallahassee, FL – On the heels of a $355 million aircraft manufacturing contract awarded by the U.S. Air Force to Jacksonville-based Embraer and partner companies, Governor Rick Scott commended the team effort by Lt. Gov. Jennifer Carroll, Senator Bill Nelson, Jacksonville Mayor Alvin Brown and other Florida officials, including members of the Florida Congressional Delegation, who all played key roles in landing the contract for Florida.

“This is an important deal for Florida’s economic future, and I’m particularly proud of Lt. Gov. Carroll’s leadership, alongside that of Senator Bill Nelson, Jacksonville Mayor Alvin Brown, and that of the Florida congressional delegation, all of whom worked hard on this deal for our state and community,” said Gov. Scott.  “The Lieutenant Governor personally testified before the U.S. International Trade Commission on behalf of Embraer, and her military aviation background and strong ties to the Jacksonville community played an important part in helping to seal this deal.”

Consistent with Gov. Scott’s plan to make Florida the number one state for doing business, Lt. Gov. Carroll has vigorously embraced her role as an economic ambassador for Florida.

In addition to leading two trade missions, Lt. Governor Carroll appeared before the United States International Trade Commission in Washington D.C. on September 28th, 2011, to testify at the “Business Jet Aircraft Industry: Structure and Factors Affecting Competitiveness” hearing. The Lt. Governor appeared in support of Embraer, an aircraft manufacturer that has their North American headquarters in Melbourne Florida.

The full text of the Lt. Governor’s remarks before the commission can be viewed here (PDF).

Additionally, Lt. Governor Carroll penned an op-ed encouraging Floridians to contact their member of Congress in support of the Embraer deal, and as a former Navy Lieutenant Commander and aircraft maintenance officer, she also appeared in a video extolling the advantages of  Embraer’s A-29 Super Tucano for the light attack role sought by the United States Air Force.